“Bhoot Mandali” is a horror-comedy love tale web series produced by Pragya Films shot in Sahibganj, Jharkhand. It is directed by Dev Paswan and stars Anuj Kumar in the lead role along with Gobind Namdev, Neeraj Sood, Mukesh Bhatt and others. In this captivating web series Anuj will be seen in a brand-new, thrilling and entertaining persona.
Anuj Kumar’s path in the Bollywood industry is very exceptional, coming from a well-respected and educated family in Sahebgunj. His fascination with acting was further sparked by his association with Natya Kala Manch in Delhi during his college years.
Anuj has already shared the screen with seasoned actors such as Rajkummar Rao, Anshuman Jha, Gulshan Grover, Parikshit Sahani, Raghubeer Yadav, Divya Dutta and Adil Husain, is incredibly enthused about “Bhoot Mandali” and his upcoming ventures. In serials such as “India’s Most Wanted,” “Office Office,” “Sukanya,” and “Koi Apna Sa,” he amassed a large audience following. He also starred as a lead in movies like “Boyss Toh Boyss Hai” and “Pakauu,” to mention a few.
After completing bachelor’s degree, Anuj was thinking about becoming an IAS officer. He says, “Around the age of seven, I was fascinated and impressed by the antics of a clown in a circus and that experience solidified my decision to pursue a career in acting. Probably this experience instilled the bug of acting in my subconscious mind.”
Fans of Anuj Kumar will soon be able to see the much eagerly anticipated “Bhoot Mandali” on the Ott platform.
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