Jai Hind College(Empowered Autonomous), Mumbai, stands as a champion in fostering an entrepreneurial ecosystem through its exemplary Entrepreneurship Cell and Skill Hub. Led by Principal Prof. Dr. Vijay Dabholkar and Dr. Rakhi Sharma, Academic Head, and Faculty Chairperson, this powerhouse cultivates an atmosphere of innovation and instils an entrepreneurial mindset through continuous re-skilling and hands-on learning experiences.”Such platforms are providing learning by thought process and innovations,” says Dr. Rakhi Sharma, echoing the Summit’s core mission to foster a culture of creativity and problem-solving.
Their dedication culminates on the 19th and 20th of January in the annual Global Entrepreneurship Summit, presented by IDBI Bank and Co-powered by Jio News. This immersive journey into entrepreneurship and innovation boasts an impressive roster of 120+ startups registered for the flagship Startup Competition, alongside dynamic business competitions, masterclasses, workshops, and keynote speeches from industry leaders. This vibrant and dynamic lineup guarantees a captivating experience.
Renowned keynote speakers include Mr. Chandrakant Salunkhe, Founder & President of the SME Chamber of India, Start-up Council of India, and SME Business Management Institute; Mr. Vishal Gondal, Founder & CEO of GOQii; Mr. Manish Chowdhary, Founder & CEO of WOW Skin Science; Mr. Sneh Vaswani, Co-Founder and CEO of Miko; and Mr. Argenio Antao MRICS, COO at Colliers India. A host of other speakers will join the forum, sharing their unique insights and experiences to create a comprehensive platform that inspires aspiring individuals. Beyond an educational extravaganza, it’s a prime opportunity to network with investors and industry leaders through dedicated networking sessions.
Guided by a dynamic student managing team led by Student Secretary Brinda Dhorda and supported by Student Joint Secretaries Urvashi Matlani, Atharva Pawar, Khushi, Rishabh, Vaani, Ayush, and Nishka, the Summit promises to be a harmonious blend of global perspectives and youthful vibrancy.
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