Indian actor, producer, writer, director and social activist Trupti Bhoir, who is predominantly known for her work in Marathi films, was honoured with the Sarojini Naidu International Awards for working women. Making waves at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival earlier this year for her upcoming film Paro- The Untold story of slavery, Trupti Bhoir received a warm response to the first look of the film also starring Taha Shah Badussha.
Acknowledging the notable work by Trupti in Marathi films like Agadbam and Touring talkies, alongwith the international recognition at the Cannes Film Festival, Sarojini Naidu International Awards for working women honoured the actor and producer in Noida on Wednesday, 23rd October 2024.
Trupti Bhoir shares, “It is an absolute honour to be recognised and appreciated amongst powerful women that are making a difference in the society across fields. This year has been particularly rewarding, from receiving immense love at the Cannes Film Festival earlier for Paro and now this prestigious honour at Sarojini Naidu International Awards. I am eternally grateful to Marwah Studios for deeming me worthy of the recognition and supporting my journey.”
An acclaimed name in the Marathi entertainment industry, Trupti Bhoir is known for work across theatre, television as well as films. Gearing up for her much coveted project Paro- The Untold story of slavery, Trupti Bhoir has not only led the cast of the film but also produced it. Voicing the prevailing issue of bride slavery not just in India but across the globe, the film directed by national award winning filmmaker Gajendra Ahire portrays the inhumane practice through the lens of a bride slave aka Paro, tracing her journey from childhood to fighting the unjust system that supports the practices till date.
After unveiling the first look of the film at the Cannes Film Festival, Paro- The Untold story of slavery is currently in post production, announcement for the release date is expected soon.
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