Priyanka Chopra’s make-up artist Pati Dubroff talked about the actress’ bold decisions while choosing her make-up style in an interview to Refinery29. From her uninhibited use of colours to tricky eyebrow game, Priyanka Chopra definitely knows which make-up style suits her best. Ahead of her wedding to singer Nick Jonas, Pati Dubroff, who worked with Priyanka for several international appearances (twice for the Met Gala and also the royal wedding), revealed what makes her so stylish. We hope they collaborate for her wedding as well because Priyanka Chopra confidently pulls off Pati Dubroff’s artistry, making head-turning entry each time. Apart from Priyanka, Pati Dubroff has worked with prominent personalities like Amanda Seyfried, Eva Mendes and Margot Robbie.
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