Cricket Age founder Pushpendra Albe’s Film Joothan recieved standing ovation during it’s Special Screening In New Delhi on March 9. The Special Screening was held at India’s capital’s prestigious Harkishan Singh Surjit Auditorium in the presence of media, critics and top most prominent thinkers, socialists and philosophers of Dalit Community. Among the high profile attendants were Dalit Philosopher Dr. Prabhakar Nisargandh, Shri Shilbodi, Dr. Rampratap Neeraj, Shri Ramesh Bhangi, popular Malyalam film lyricst Mradula Devi.
Joothan talks about India’s most sensitive topic – caste discrimination In Education! Starring Devesh Ranjan In lead role, the film is produced by Pushpendra Albe and Nikil Pranav R company Adopt A School Films. The film also features Naresh Kumar, Vikram Singh, Sandeep Gupta, Kuldeep Kumar and Dinesh Sharma In pivotal roles, while actress Rimjhim Rajput has played female lead role against Devesh Ranjan.
“The sad reality is that despite government’s noble, good intended efforts, caste discrimination still exists, especially in rural India. It has also to be said that School education in India is a major site of class and caste struggle – where the poor from marginalized social categories inch towards a future of justice, prosperity and equity, with great difficulty. How we shape our educational system is the key to how fast we can emerge as a modern, developed nation” Albe said before the film screening.
Popular Malyalam lyricst Mradula Devi said “I had goosebumps watching the film. It’s an eye opener. Every Indian must watch the film, which talks highly about equality in Education, irrespective of caste and religion.”
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