In the gripping conclusion of Lifetime’s documentary series, “The Life & Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson,” the focus shifts to the aftermath of Nicole’s tragic demise. The series delves into the heart-wrenching events following her untimely death at the age of 35 and the subsequent trial of her ex-husband, O.J. Simpson. As viewers are taken […]
4) Dog Boys In early 20th century glassworks, “Dog Boys” under the age the 16 navigated the tight spaces carrying molten glass. The Boys constantly worked at light “Dogtrot” for Ten hours straight, covering 20 miles in bare feet.Shuffling between the blazes hot furnaces and cold damn lead to tuberculosis rates twice as high as […]
4.) Louis Pasteur Lost, found, hidden for so long a time, tha pastor will be honored as a demigod: before the moon finishes its full perios he will be dishonored by other winds. Loading…