Warning: don’t try this at home! We can safely say we were not expecting this to happen. Watch as this brave gentlemen perforates his phone’s battery using the tip of a knife, causing a reaction that makes it explode into flames! While reactions like this are pretty rare, they do happen and they have killed people. Global News reports that most phones and […]
In this video, we see a blind homeless man sitting on the sidewalk with a sign that reads, “I’m blind, please help.” As you would expect, most passersby ignore him, but a few drop some coins into his can or onto the ground in front of him. That all changes when one woman decides she […]
The Tower of London, London, England The tower of London, one of the most famous and well-preserved historical buildings in the world, may also be one of the most haunted. Perhaps the most well-known ghostly resident of the tower is the spirit of Ann Boleyn, one of the wives of Henry VIII, who was also […]