These are the mind blowing pictures of the optical illusions. When you see them, your eyes will dupe you at the first look. You have to watch them twice or maybe stare at for some hours to fix the illusions. Let’s check them out and have little brain storming. #1. This is not what you […]
The world is home to some truly surreal places that we must experience first-hand to believe its authenticity. We take a look at the top 10 amazing places on earth you won’t believe are real! Lake Hillier, Australia Lake Hillier is a pink-coloured lake on Middle Island, the largest of the islands that make up […]
Gardeners have been creating beautiful mini fairy gardens out of old and broken pots. These mini fairy gardens can be created from shards of accidentally broken pots or they can be properly planned and cut. To cut such pots, soak it in water and then use a craft drill to weaken it and break it […]