Agency News

2025- The year of the revival of second homes in India

In 2025, Indian real estate’s dynamics has transformed the second home market. Its prospect  has brightened drawing more investors. Shravan Gupta, MGF Group, a pioneer in Indian real estate has embraced this path breaking phenomenon. It opened the canvas for second homes, better lifestyle, diverse cultural exposures and strategic foresight. Factors attributed to this change are, widely diverse thought process,  high rental value, resale value and enhanced infrastructure. These fit perfectly to today’s market trends tilting it in favour of second homes.

Optimum investment potential– In 2025, the investment potential is visibly high with people willing to invest in second homes. A second home has emerged as an optimum way to make extra income. In cities like Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru the high rental yield has boosted the second home market. Also, the lines between the work and leisure are slowly diminishing with Remote and WFH culture.  In such a context, imagine working from the comfort of home and live near the work place as well.

The location angle– Any homes location plays an ideal role in choosing a home. If a second home is near to work hub, educational places and shops it will yield more rents. India’s growth level will always keep the rental and investment high. Shravan Gupta, MGF Group feels it is likely to sale more easily in future if it is in a metropolitan city.


The high demand of second homes has boosted its potential from an  investment angle. With a constant rise in the rental income and optimum resale value it is beneficial to own a second home. Your second home could evolve with you and emerge as a bright prospect for your retirement home. In the hindsight, any investment in a second home is a practical decision. With India moving forward, in the direction of high resale and investment value for the second home. Your decision to invest in the second home is a wise decision.
