A harmless prank is the best way to create a laugh. Have you tried something too silly to scare her? Plan an act to scare your girlfriend and it’s worth it to see her reactions. They say it’s very easy to scare a girl. Just for fun, here are some suggestions. Guys, go for it. […]
If you love facts, but don’t have the time to sit around reading encyclopedia volume after encyclopedia volume just so you’ll have something to say that will impress your co-workers at the water cooler, then these one-sentence bits of information are for you. Here’s a bonus fact to get you started: they’re super interesting. Loading…
The world is home to some truly surreal places that we must experience first-hand to believe its authenticity. We take a look at the top 10 amazing places on earth you won’t believe are real! Lake Hillier, Australia Lake Hillier is a pink-coloured lake on Middle Island, the largest of the islands that make up […]