Agency News

An Innovative Approach to OT Security Landscape with Seamless Solutions

New Delhi : The convergence of IT and Operational Technology (OT) environments has introduced new vulnerabilities, making OT security a crucial focus for industries worldwide. Businesses around the world continue to adopt new digital technologies, the merging of IT (Information Technology) and OT (Operational Technology) systems is becoming unavoidable. The integration offers many advantages while introducing multiple novel challenges.

OT systems, which manage crucial operations in infrastructure such as power grids, water supplies, and manufacturing plants, were not originally built to handle the kind of cyber threats as experienced today. This has created new vulnerabilities that cybercriminals have started exploiting.

Sanjay Sengupta, CO- founder & CTO, WhizHack, said, “The need for enhanced OT security is underscored by alarming statistics. Over the past year, cyberattacks targeting OT environments have surged by 56%, with ransomware attacks on OT systems doubling. More than 70% of OT networks contain at least one exploitable vulnerability, often rooted in legacy systems not built with cybersecurity in mind. Any attacks in the OT environment result in operational downtime, productivity loss, and physical asset damage, not to mention the financial implications as well”

Many factors contribute to the vulnerability of OT environments such as lack of visibility, Inadequate security Solutions, shortage of skilled personnel, complexity in detecting lateral movement. Several key players have emerged in the OT cybersecurity space, each offering unique approaches to protecting critical infrastructure. WhizHack, a comparatively new entrant in the OT security threatscape is the only product company which addresses all issues related to OT security comprehensively as offered piecemeal by other players.

Speaking about WhizhHack’s suite of OT security offerings, he said, “Our flagship offering ZeroHack’s approach to OT security stands out in the OT security market due to its holistic and innovative solutions designed specifically for the unique needs of OT environments. Unlike traditional IT-centric security measures that are retrofitted for OT, ZeroHack’s platform is built from the ground up to address the challenges of securing industrial operations”.

ZeroHack-OT platform comprises three core products that work in tandem to provide a multi-layered defense which forms WhizHack’s Comprehensive Security Suite. The first segment of the offering is TRACE for OT which employs deception technology to proactively lure attackers into honeynets—specially designed decoy environments that simulate critical OT systems. This allows organizations to gather intelligence on attack vectors and strategies that helps in the reduction of the attack surface. This approach is manufacturer and device type agnostic while all other detection products available in the market are reactive.

ZeroHack N (OT) has an innovative approach that differentiates itself from traditional solutions, offering a robust defense against the evolving cyber threatscape by leveraging advanced AI and machine learning to analyze live network traffic in real-time. This approach enables ZeroHack to identify zero-day attacks, a capability that many other OT security solutions struggle to achieve. ZeroHack’s solutions are designed specifically for OT environments, not adapted from IT security tools. Its unique Proactive Defense with Deception Technology with a Unified, User-Friendly Dashboard makes the product formidable in the OT security sector. The product is designed to achieve scalability and flexibility and to bolster the efficacy, WhizHack has also designed a learning platform with OT Cyber Range to upskill manpower which undeniably is the most crucial line of defense.

Edge IPS for OT, the last offering in the bouquet goes beyond basic firewall protection by incorporating micro-segmentation and isolation strategies tailored specifically for OT environments. This prevents lateral movement within the network, a common tactic used by attackers once they breach the perimeter.

As cyber threats become more sophisticated, AI and machine learning will become even more crucial in protecting OT systems. These technologies help create smart models that can spot and counteract dangers before they cause real harm. Industry collaboration will be key to advancing OT security. Organizations must work together to share threat intelligence, develop best practices, and establish common standards to build a more secure and resilient OT environment.

As attackers become more sophisticated, new threats will emerge, targeting previously overlooked aspects of OT environments. Companies will need to continue innovating, developing new tools and strategies to counter these threats. Organizations must prioritize OT security as a central component of their overall cybersecurity strategy. By adopting unified OT/IT solutions in the whole organization’s landscape, they can safeguard their critical infrastructure, ensure operational continuity, and protect against the financial and reputational damage caused by cyber incidents.
