Yesterday, Selena Gomez opened up about the passion project she’s producing, 13 Reasons Why, and how the new Netflix series hits close to home. Adapted from Jay Asher’s bestselling novel of the same name, the book tells the story of a teenage girl who commits suicide and leaves behind 13 cassette tapes explaining why.
“To be frank with you, I actually was going through a really difficult time when [the show] started production,” Gomez told CNN at a Netflix panel. “I went away for 90 days and I actually met tons of kids in this place that we are talking about. A lot of the issues these characters are experiencing.”
Last year, Gomez spent 90 days in a treatment center to deal with the anxiety and depression she was experiencing as a side effect of her struggle with lupus.
“[13 Reasons Why] hits a very important part of me and I think this is what [kids] need to see,” Gomez continued. “Whether it was just kids or growing up in the biggest high school in the world, which was Disney Channel, it was also adults that had you know, the audacity to kind of tell me how I should live my life and it was very confusing for me. It was so confusing. I had no idea who I was going to be and what I’m still going to become and it definitely hits home.”