CBS’s latest series, “Tracker,” premiered on February 11, 2024, immediately capturing the attention of viewers with its gripping narrative and stellar cast. The show stars Justin Hartley as Colter Shaw, a survivalist who traverses the country solving mysteries with his exceptional tracking skills. This role sees Hartley’s character aiding both private citizens and law enforcement […]
James Packer will always be Mariah Carey’s baby,after the songstress’s Dreamlover suggested with a fantasy ring today. According to E!News, the billionaire businessman popped the question in Carey’s hometown presenting a diamond which is worth for 35 carats. Carey took to the stage to gush over her “Spectacular,handsome… amazing Mr.James Packer”in Melbourne where they celebrated […]
Emmy Noether may not be a household name, but her compatriot Albert Einstein — someone who definitely is — once called her “the most significant creative mathematical genius thus far produced since the higher education of women began.” Noether, born in a small town in Germany in 1882, would have been 133 on Monday, and […]