Jonathan Majors, the acclaimed 34-year-old actor known for his roles in Marvel’s “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania” and HBO’s “Lovecraft Country,” has been sentenced to probation and domestic violence counseling following his conviction for assaulting his former girlfriend, Grace Jabbari. In a recent court appearance at Manhattan Criminal Court, Majors faced sentencing for reckless assault […]
“Tonight, it’s all about love,” Paul McCartney announced to a crowd of adoring fans. Paul McCartney and New York City have a very rich history. There was, of course, the Fab Four’s seminal appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show nearly 51 years ago to the day. He’s also played raucous, oft-cited, and never forgotten gigs […]
At the point when Chris Hemsworth became more acquainted with his four-year-old little girl’s interest, it gave him bit of a stun. The 32-year-old actor said in a recent interview with Ellen de Generes that his little girl India Rose is entirely jealous of her two-year-old twin brothers right now, reports The “Thor” […]