Agency News



the Company will at its own option by payment or reinstatement or repair indemnify the Insured against unforeseen and sudden physical damage by any cause not hereinafter excluded to any Insured Property specified in the attached Schedule(s) whilst at the location mentioned therein necessitating its immediate repair or replacement. This Policy shall apply to the insured items whether they are at work or at rest, or being dismantled for the purpose of cleaning or overhauling, or in the course of the aforesaid operations themselves, or when being shifted within the premises, or during subsequent re-erection, but in any case only after successful commissioning. The liability of the Company for any one item of the insured property shall not exceed in the aggregate in any one Period of Insurance the Sum Insured set against such item in the attached Schedule(s). However the sum insured under such item can be reinstated after occurrence of a claim for balance period.






  1. the Excess stated in the Schedule to be borne by the Insured in  any one occurrence; if more than one item is lost or  damaged in one occurrence, the insured shall not, however, be called upon to  bear more than the highest single Excess applicable  to  such items;
  2. loss or damage due to electrical or  Mechanical  breakdown, failure,  breakage or derangement, freezing of coolant  or  other fluid, defective lubrication or lack of oil or coolant, but if  as a  consequence  of  such breakdown or  derangement  an  accident occurs causing external damage, such consequential damage will be indemnifiable.
  1. loss of or damage to replaceable parts and attachment  such as bits, drills, knives or other cutting edges, saw blades  dies, moulds, patterns, pulverizing and crushing surfaces, screens  and sieves,  ropes,  belts,  chains,  elevator  and  conveyor  bands, batteries,  tyres,  connecting wires and  cables, flexible  pipes, joining and packing material regularly replaced;
  1. loss or damage due to explosion of any boiler or pressure vessel  subject to internal steam or fluid pressure or of any internal combustion engine;
  1. loss  of or damage to vehicles designed  and  licensed  for general  road use unless these vehicles are exclusively used  on construction site;
  1. loss of or damage to Hull and machinery of waterborne vessels  or  crafts,  however this exclusion shall not apply  to  Contractors Plant and machinery mounted on water borne vessels or crafts for the purpose of use for the contract work.
  1. loss or damage due to total or partial immersion  in  tidal waters;
  1. loss  or damage  whilst in transit, from  one  location  to another  location. (Public Liability will not be payable while Contractors Plant & Machineries are on Public Roads).
  1. loss  or damage as a direct consequence  of  the  continual influence  of  operation (e.g. wear and  tear, corrosion, rust, deterioration due to lack  of use and normal atmospheric conditions);
  1. loss or damage occurring whilst any insured item is  under- going  a test of any kind or is being used in any manner  or  for any purpose other than that for which it was designed;
  1. loss of or damage to plant and/or machinery working underground.


Note– This does not apply to Machineries used in Tunneling works. 


  1. War, Invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities or war like operation (whether war be declared or not), Civil War, Rebellion Revolution Insurrection, Mutiny, Civil Commotion, Military or usurped    power, martial   law, conspiracy, confiscation, commandeering a group of malicious  person or persons acting on behalf of or in connection with any political organisation, requisition or destruction or damage by order of any government de jure or de facto or by any public, Municipal or Local Authority.
  1. loss or damage  directly or indirectly caused by, or arising out  of, or aggravated by nuclear reaction, nuclear  radiation  or radioactive contamination.
  1. loss or damage due to any faults or defects existing at the time  of commencement of this policy within the knowledge of  the insured  or his representatives, whether such faults  or  defects were known to the Company or not;
  1. loss or damage directly or indirectly caused by, or arising  out of or aggravated by the willful act or willful negligence of the insured or his representatives. 
  1. loss or damage for which the supplier or manufacturer is responsible either by law or under contract;
  1. consequential loss or liability of any kind or description; 
  2. loss or damage discovered only at the time of taking  an inventory or during routine servicing.

For any insurance solutions, please contact Beacon Insurance Broker Pvt Ltd at 

Insurance is a subject matter of solicitation
