He Grabbed A Camera And Set Out To Capture Stunning Play Of Ocean And Light
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Sea Hawk
Magnanimously, Warren Keelan says, “I work hard to make photographs that hopefully tell a story and leave an impression or feeling on the viewer. If it does, then I feel I have achieved something special.”
3. The 69-year-old woman who had a horn growing from her forhead for two decades before having it removed. One of the most spectacular cases of human cutaneous horns involves the 69-year-old woman in the photos.Though details on her case are sketchy, it is known that she tolerated the 17 cm long horn growing from […]
This article is in the loving memory of “could have been” artist, actors, writers, dancers, painters engineers. All those who were born with the innate wish of becoming an engineer, we salute you Sir. If you’re someone repairing all TV sets in your house, teaching maths to your crush’s brother, giving career advice to Sharma […]