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‘Lab Grown Diamonds are Fake,’ is the biggest myth: Mihir Sagar

Mihir Sagar from Iced Out By Maq LLC becomes a Myth buster to set the record straight about lab-grown diamonds.


The journey of a lab-grown diamond is nothing less of a controversial story filled with drama, scepticism and more. Only if it were a person, Netflix would be scrambling to cover the story of a diamond born in a small lab with dreams of taking over the world. It sounds like a documentary sitting comfortably on Netflix’s top 10 trending list. But to understand why lab-grown diamonds are so frowned upon, questioned, and criticised, we need to draw our conclusions on what a myth is and what the truth is.


Lab-grown diamonds are FAKE


To begin with, let us address the elephant in the room: Lab-grown diamonds are not fake diamonds. Technically, they are as authentic as a natural diamond that takes millions of years to form, as opposed to a lab-grown one which takes merely a week. How, you ask? Well, the devil is in the details. You see, natural diamonds are formed at very high pressures and temperatures under the surface. When carbon atoms are squeezed together, so much so, that they start touching other atoms and bond with four other atoms, it forms a diamond. This same process is replicated in a machine in a lab, and voila, we have a lab-grown diamond.


So, the question is not so much about its authenticity but rather its origin.


Lab diamonds are graded in a different way


Another infamous one! Diamond grading is based on the 4 Cs, i.e.: Carat, Cut, Colour, and Clarity. A Carat refers to the weight of the diamond. One carat equals 200 milligrams. The larger the carat weight, the more valuable the diamond is, although other factors also influence its value. Like the quality of a diamond’s cut, which affects how well it reflects light, which impacts its brilliance and sparkle. Its Colour grading, which assesses the absence of colour in a diamond, ranges in a scale from D (completely colourless) to Z (light yellow or brown). Colourless diamonds are more desirable and valuable. Lastly, Clarity. Which refers to the presence of internal or external imperfections, known as inclusions and blemishes. These four criteria consider a diamond’s grading and whether a natural diamond or a lab-grown one, the grading process remains the same.


The quality of a Lab diamond is inferior


For lack of a better analogy, imagine mined and lab diamonds as identical twins. They share the same chemical composition and exhibit the same brilliance and durability. In fact, because lab-grown diamonds are man-made, their quality can be meticulously controlled, ensuring a level of precision that is often more consistent than in natural diamonds. This means fewer inclusions, fewer imperfections, and the ability to create diamonds with exceptional clarity and colour.


Lab Diamonds Change Colour Over Time 


A popular myth that keeps resurfacing is the idea that lab-grown diamonds will change colour as they age. Imagine the horror of purchasing a stunning, colourless diamond only to find it turning into a less desirable hue as time goes on. Thankfully, this is just that—a myth. Lab-grown diamonds are created under the same conditions as natural diamonds, meaning they share the same chemical composition and physical properties. The colour of a diamond, whether lab-grown or natural, is a result of its structure and any trace elements present during formation. Just like natural diamonds, lab-grown diamonds will not change colour over time, maintaining their brilliance and hue for eternity.


Lab Diamonds Harm the Environment Just Like Mined Diamonds


Another myth that gets a lot of airtime is the belief that lab-grown diamonds are just as harmful to the environment as mined diamonds. Let’s set the record straight—lab-grown diamonds are far more eco-friendly. Traditional diamond mining involves displacing large amounts of earth, which can lead to deforestation, habitat destruction, and significant carbon emissions. In contrast, lab-grown diamonds are produced in a controlled environment, with significantly less impact on the planet. The energy used in labs is increasingly sourced from renewable resources, making the process more sustainable.


While no process is completely without impact, lab-grown diamonds are a greener choice for those concerned about the environment.


Lab-Grown Diamonds Look Fake and You Can Tell the Difference


The idea that lab-grown diamonds look fake is one of the biggest misconceptions. The truth? Lab-grown diamonds are visually identical to natural diamonds. Both are made from the same material—pure carbon crystallised in an isotropic 3D form. Even under a jeweller’s loupe, the differences are virtually impossible to detect without specialised equipment. The only notable distinction lies in their origin, not their appearance. So, if you’re worried about your lab-grown diamond standing out for the wrong reasons, you can rest easy knowing that it will shine just as brilliantly as its natural counterpart.


Lab Created Diamonds Cannot Be Used in Engagement Rings


For many, an engagement ring symbolises everlasting love, and there’s a persistent myth that lab-grown diamonds are somehow unworthy of such a role. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Lab-grown diamonds are chemically, physically, and optically identical to natural diamonds, making them perfect for any jewellery, including engagement rings. Many couples today choose lab-grown diamonds not just for their beauty, but also for their ethical and environmental benefits. So, whether you’re proposing with a natural or lab-grown diamond, the sentiment—and the sparkle—remains the same.


Lab Diamonds Are Less Valuable Than Natural Diamonds


One myth that’s particularly intriguing is the belief that lab-grown diamonds are inherently less valuable than their natural peers. While it’s true that lab-grown diamonds generally come with a lower price tag, this doesn’t mean they’re of lesser value in terms of quality or sentiment. The value of a diamond, whether lab-grown or natural, is subjective and influenced by factors such as carat, cut, clarity, and colour, as well as personal significance.


Lab Grown Diamonds Are a Passing Trend


Finally, if you think that a lab diamond is just a fad and will pass, you couldn’t be more wrong. As awareness grows about lab-grown diamonds, their popularity continues to rise. Far from being a fleeting trend, lab-grown diamonds are becoming a mainstay in the jewellery market, embraced by consumers and jewellers alike. As technology advances 

and sustainability becomes an increasing priority, lab-grown diamonds are poised to shine even brighter in the years to come.


Conclusion: The Debate Continues


The journey of lab-grown diamonds is filled with myths and misconceptions, but as we’ve explored, these gems are anything but inferior. They represent innovation, sustainability, and the future of luxury. Whether you’re drawn to the environmental benefits, the ethical sourcing, or simply the beauty of lab-grown diamonds, one thing is clear—they’re here to stay. The next time you hear a myth about lab-grown diamonds, you’ll be armed with the facts to set the record straight.
