
Melanie Griffith listens to her daughter Dakota Johnson

Dakota Johnson walked the red carpet with her mom and fellow actress Melanie Griffith, which made us go, “Awww!” until the duo stopped to talk with ABC’s Lara Spencer and it got awkward.

The interview started out nice enough with Melanie saying how happy she was about Dakota’s Fifty Shades success.

“I don’t want to say I’m so proud, I’ve said it so many times. It seems like it’s not enough, but I am so proud.”

But things took a turn when Melanie admitted she hadn’t seen the movie.

“I don’t think I can. I think it would be strange.”

To which Dakota quickly and defensively replied:

“No, I don’t think so. I think it’s fine. I think that one day you would see it.”

To ease the obvious tension, Lara complimented Dakota’s performance, and that seemed to only annoy Melanie further.

“Well, she’s a really good actress. I don’t need to see that to know how good she is.”

And so Dakota relented.

“Alright, you don’t have to see it. I’m like you can see it, and you’re just like ‘Nooooo.’”

Proving her flair for drama, she added an eye roll for good measure. When Lara reminded Dakota of the risqué red room, Dakota was still not convinced.

“I think it’s OK. It’s a movie she knows that.”

Melanie finally gave up:

“If she tells me to see it, I’ll see it.”


