Much like that delicious bread, how can you not want to touch that? There’s a new trend comparing baby arms to pieces of bread! This is beyond adorable! J&K x (via @sn15papa) — Heart North East (@heartnortheast) April 19, 2016 @nzsk_syo お世話になります。記事が完成しましたのでご連絡をさせていただきます。もし、修正点などがございましたらご連絡ください。このたびはありがとうございました。 — CuRAZY編集部 (@curazy_desk) April 16, 2016 Loading…
4. Pine Gap, Australia Jointly operated by Australia and U.S., Pine Gap is a satellite tracking station located in the Northern Territory, down under. Though government officials refuse comment, many believe the site controls U.S spy satellites passing over China, Russia and the Middle East. Pine Gap maintains security through a five mile no-fly zone […]