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7. Antique Mobile Phone – Today all of us have smartphones, but not too long ago, mobiles phones like the Motorola flip phone in the picture were considered a high end device for the rich and famous, or for the busy businessmen
7. Látrabjarg, Iceland Látrabjarg marks the western-most part of Europe. The huge cliffs are home to millions of birds, including puffins, northern gannets,guillemots and razorbills. It is vital for their survival as it hosts up to 40% of the world population for some species. It is Europe’s largest bird cliff, 14 km long and up to 440 meters high Loading…
When the temp dropped below freezing on these kids’ first night we knew it was the perfect timing to pull out the amazing trio of sweaters which Stella, a farm follower from Tennessee sent us awhile back as a gift! They fit a Nigerian Dwarf newborn perfectly. So cozy and made of beautiful wool! It […]