Rihanna Responds to Body-Shaming With Tongue-in-Cheek Gucci Mane Meme
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Rihanna, ruler of DGAF, obviously does not mind what web trolls think about her body.
The artist reacted to individuals as of late fixating on and disgracing her for her apparent weight pick up by posting, for goodness’ sake, a Gucci Mane image on her Instagram account—you know, the typical way superstars closed down body-shamers. “If you can’t handle me at my 2007 Gucci Mane, you don’t deserve me at my 2017 Gucci Mane,” reads the meme, with a side-by-side comparison of photos of the rapper in 2007, looking a little bigger, and then 10 years later looking trimmer and more athletic. She captioned the cheeky post with the single-tear emoji to show just how much she doesn’t care what anyone thinks about her changing body.
A post shared by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on Jun 5, 2017 at 11:02am PDT
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