Wayne Brady, the multi-talented actor and host of CBS’s popular game show Let’s Make a Deal, recently made headlines when he bravely came out as pansexual, a revelation that he says has brought him a profound sense of liberation. At 51 years old, Brady feels as though a weight has been lifted off his shoulders, […]
If you love facts, but don’t have the time to sit around reading encyclopedia volume after encyclopedia volume just so you’ll have something to say that will impress your co-workers at the water cooler, then these one-sentence bits of information are for you. Here’s a bonus fact to get you started: they’re super interesting. Loading…
Warning: don’t try this at home! We can safely say we were not expecting this to happen. Watch as this brave gentlemen perforates his phone’s battery using the tip of a knife, causing a reaction that makes it explode into flames! While reactions like this are pretty rare, they do happen and they have killed people. Global News reports that most phones and […]