
Mini’s stars have the perfect answer to limiting stereotypes

Mini’s Super Bowl advertisement is a ritzy kiss off to labels. Tennis hotshot Serena Williams, sitting on a jet black Mini while shaking some executioner leather pants, begins things off, saying with a smile: “This is a chick car.” Then soccer star Abby Wambach disobediently proclaims, “This is a gay auto.” The parade of celebrities […]

Movie/TV Gossip

The making of a Marvel superhero

Deadpool is the most recent Marvel film out this week, and the generally obscure character is going to go from zero to box-office hero on account of an awesome social media campaign. The Merc-With-a-Mouth, played by Ryan Reynolds, has been a fan-most loved since his debut back in 1991’s New Mutants. Be that as it […]

Movie/TV Gossip

Beyonce and Bruno Mars overshadow Chris Martin in Super Bowl 2016

Give Chris Martin and Coldplay credit: It takes a specific absence of inner self for performers to basically let themselves be upstaged at their own Super Bowl appear.The British band welcomed Beyonce and Bruno Mars to share the spotlight Sunday for the halftime spectacle, which developed into a 50th commemoration tribute to Super Bowl shows […]