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Most Amazing and Beautiful Bridges – Part 2
6.) Bridge of Peace, Tbilisi, Georgia Spanning the Kura River in Georgia’s capital of Tbilisi, this bridge connects the city’s old and new districts. It also features motion-sensor lights for pedestrians. Its shape was supposed to evoke a marine animal, but it’s been nicknamed “Always Ultra” by the locals, who see the shape as more […]
A New Trend In Japan Asks….Baby Arms or Bread?
Much like that delicious bread, how can you not want to touch that? There’s a new trend comparing baby arms to pieces of bread! This is beyond adorable! J&K x (via @sn15papa) pic.twitter.com/fJvQtEKHuT — Heart North East (@heartnortheast) April 19, 2016 @nzsk_syo お世話になります。記事が完成しましたのでご連絡をさせていただきます。もし、修正点などがございましたらご連絡ください。このたびはありがとうございました。https://t.co/Zj6CyfJOd2 — CuRAZY編集部 (@curazy_desk) April 16, 2016 Loading…
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