Dallol, a volcanic crater, Ethiopia The once a mining village, Dallol in Ethiopia is now known for its compelling hydrothermal deposits that exhibit different exotic colours. SOURCE: STATICFLICKR.COM Loading…
2.“Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”- Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy About the author: An expert of ‘realistic fiction’, Tolstoy was a Russian author, thinker and political thinker.His concepts on non-violent level of resistance had powerful effect on significant 20th century namely leaders Mohandas Gandhi, Martin […]
As any individual who’s ever perused Tintin will know, absolute solar eclipses are so amazing , and relying upon where you are on the planet one week from now, you’ll get the opportunity to encounter the dim shadow cast by the Moon passing precisely between the Sun and Earth in the early hours of March […]