Amazing Stuff

This 3,200 Year Old Tree Is So Big That It’s Never Been Captured In A Single Photograph… Until Now

On the western slope of the Sierra Nevadas in California, there’s a very special tree. California’s forests are known for their trees, but this one is so special, it even has a nickname.

Locals call it “The President.” And until now, it’s never been seen in its entirety.

The President

It stands 247 feet tall and 45,000 cubic feet in volume. 

247 feet tall

But what’s most awe-inspiring about this tree is its age.

inspiring  tree

This mammoth tree is estimated to be 3,200 years old.

mammoth tree

And the tree is still growing at one of the fastest rates in the world. “The President” adds 1 cubic meter of wood every year.

tallest tree

It took a whole team from National Geographic to photograph the tree.

awosome place

Pulleys and levers help the workers scale the enormous tree.

enormous tree.

It took 32 days and 126 photographs to get this one comprehensive photograph of the tree.

comprehensive photograph of tree
(Via Wimp, ViralViewers)
