2.) French Revolution Before the war comes, the great wall will fall, the king will be executed, his death coming too soon will be lamented. (The guards) will swim in bllog, near the river seine the soil will be bloodied. Loading…
5. Robin Williams “From the Genie in Aladdin to the penguins(assorted) in Happy Feet to Good Morning Vietnam and Patch Adams. Robins my idol.” – connorchaos “Hilarious comedian, and he’s also really good at serious roles too” – kyll “How in the world is he not higher on the list!?!?!” “He should easily be number […]
What do you get when you take a GoPro to a 24-hour little cat nursery, where a staff works ’round the clock to look after itty bitty kitties? This video, and the sound of a million girly squees. Loading…