Amazing Stuff

5 Darkest Disney Secrets

Presenting Disney’s 5 darkest secrets including abandoned parks, the ghost of a lost cast-member, FBI rumors, some “magic” fairy dust and the lemmings story you thought you knew.

Debbie Stone Death

At eighteen years old, honors student Debbie Stone took a job at California’s Disneyland in the summer of 1974. She was a hostess on America Sings, a new ride that featured 6 rotating stages which allowed guests to watch without leaving their seats.

Only nine days after the ride opened, visitors thought they heard screams that were part of the performance. The audience had just left, Debbie’s job being to bid them farewell, so no one knows for sure how it happened but Debbie’s body found itself crushed between a rotating wall and a stationary one.

To this day, Debbie remains the only reported incident of a Disney cast-member’s death at a Disney theme park. Farewell to you, Debbie.


