Movie/TV Gossip

Angelina Jolie reveals Bell’s palsy diagnosis in Vanity Fair

Angelina Jolie says she grew hypertension and Bell’s paralysis a year ago.

The  actor executive discloses to Vanity Fair that she credits needle therapy for her full recuperation from the loss of motion, which was caused by nerve harm and drove one side of her face to hang.

Jolie has been open about her wellbeing challenges previously. She wrote in the New York Times about her 2013 choice to have a deterrent twofold mastectomy subsequent to discovering that she conveys the quality that made it to a great degree likely that she would get bosom tumor. She had her ovaries expelled two years after the fact.

Jolie likewise opens up about her separation from Brad Pitt in the magazine’s September main story , which was discharged online Wednesday. Jolie petitioned for separate in September 2016.

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