Movie/TV Gossip

Caitlyn Jenner: Trump has ‘kind of disappointed me’ on LGBT issues

Caitlyn Jenner


Caitlyn Jenner revealed to Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” that President Trump has “kind of disappointed me in the first hundred days” on LGBT issues.


The previous Olympic gold medalist, in the past known as Bruce Jenner, told have Tucker Carlson that Trump at first ” “looked like he would be pretty good on all LGBT issues,”  yet she scrutinized the organization for repudiating the Obama organization’s rules enabling state funded school understudies to utilize restrooms and different offices that relate to their sexual orientation character.


Jenner likewise hit Attorney General Jeff Sessions for declining to arraign the killings of transgender ladies as government abhor violations and condemned Trump’s chosen one for Secretary of the Army, Mark Green for hostile to transgender remarks.


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