If you love facts, but don’t have the time to sit around reading encyclopedia volume after encyclopedia volume just so you’ll have something to say that will impress your co-workers at the water cooler, then these one-sentence bits of information are for you. Here’s a bonus fact to get you started: they’re super interesting.
Amazing Stuff
Most Secret Military Bases
Presenting the five most secret government locations, including a top secret satellite tracking station in Pine Gap Australia, an infamous dead man’s switch buried in Mount Yamantau Russia, the Yulin Naval Base in China and its underground complex hiding the latest nuclear submarines from passing spy satellites, the Porton Down biological and chemical weapons testing […]
I May Never Eat Fast Food Again After Seeing This Shocking McDonald’s Experiment.
The team at periodicvideos.com has made it a point to bring the wonders of chemistry to a wider audience, creating an accompanying video about each element on the periodic table. One of their most recent videos however, crosses the mountainous barrier that separate hard science from pure common sense. Here is the concept: what happens when you dissolve a McDonald’s Cheeseburger […]
These 13 Simple Tips Will Help You Fall Asleep Faster And Wake Up Rested
For thousands of people in the United States alone, falling asleep and staying asleep is a huge problem. You wouldn’t think that something natural could be so challenging, but the National Institutes of Health estimates that “roughly 30 percent of the general population complains of sleep disruption, and approximately 10 percent have associated symptoms of daytime functional impairment consistent with the diagnosis […]
Fantastic Ideas to make your IKEA Stuff look Ultra-Glam
IKEA has been among our favorites for almost same reasons! You are in luck when you find smart and utility furnishings for reasonable prices! This post brings to you several unique ideas to transform your furniture pieces to something that looks expensive n ultra-glam. So hack your IKEA purchases with these fantastic tips from us […]
She Covers A Jar With Glue. Why? The Result Is Absolutely Stunning
This is a great and a lovely art & crafts project where Mako turns a boring marmalade jar into a cute looking lantern. Mako positions her maple leaves where she’d want to place them, covering the leaves with modge podge she gently coats all over it. Mako leaves to dry it overnight and attaches some […]