In a heartwarming tale of Hollywood triumph, Macaulay Culkin’s son is stealing the spotlight—not in front of the camera, but by joyfully playing with his father’s newly acquired star on the iconic Hollywood Walk of Fame. Culkin, 43, took to Instagram on Monday, December 4, expressing gratitude to the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce for the […]
6.Tokyo Tokyo is the first Asian city on this list, scoring well in the innovation (22) and digital city (15) categories. Last year,the city announced plans to create a smart town in the suburbs. In partnership with Panasonic,Accenture, and Tokyo Gas (among others), the eco-burb will contain homes that integrate solar panels, storage batteries, and […]
The questions in this quiz are all about world famous monuments. You can find the answers to all the questions in the relevant posts. Have fun [WATU 3] Loading…