
Manziel joins DiCaprio on celebrity list for McGregor vs. Diaz in Las Vegas



Crisp off an Academy Award win for Best Actor, Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the renowned names appearing on the rundown of famous people booked to appear for UFC 196 on Saturday night in Las Vegas.

Quarterback Johnny Manziel is likewise on the VIP list for the card featured by Conor McGregor against Nate Diaz.

TMZ initially reported the news, and extra sources told FOX Sports that DiCaprio and Manziel might show up at UFC 196.

Manziel went to UFC 173 in 2014 while DiCaprio has been a long-lasting fanatic of the game, having appeared at two or three battles.

n expansion to DiCaprio and Manziel, the rundown of famous people why should planned go to incorporates Bruno Mars, Gerard Butler, Gordon Ramsay, Josh Brolin, Reggie Bush, Tyga, T-Boz, Marcedes Lewis, Zac Brown and Danny Elfman.

McGregor has expressed that he expected the big name turnout at his battles to become bigger and bigger every time he contends, and if UFC 196 is any sign, he’s spot on.

“Spiritualist Mac” strikes once more.
