7.) Atomic Bombings Near the gates and within the cities there will be two scourges the like of which was never seen, famine within plague, people put out by steel, crying to the great immortal god for relief. Loading…
#7.The Vanguard blast, December 6, 1957 Occurring not long after the Sputnik catastrophe, the Vanguard TV3 was the US’s first endeavor to put a satellite in Earth circle. A breakdown in first stage brought about the dispatch vehicle to lose push following two seconds, and a vehicle completely stacked with fluid oxygen and lamp oil […]
Iconic rockstar Jon Bon Jovi has taken a firm stand against the current trend of artists selling off their music catalogs. Despite the lucrative offers that have tempted many of his peers, including Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, and Katy Perry, Bon Jovi remains resolute in his decision to hold onto his cherished songs, declaring that […]