Movie/TV Gossip

‘Stop staring,’ says Caitlyn Jenner, announcing genital surgery

Caitlyn Jenner says she has experienced genital surgery, two years after the Olympic-winning decathlete declared she had transitioned to a lady.

Jenner, 67, a standout amongst the most-prominent American transgender lady, says in a forthcoming diary that she had the surgery in January, and that she chose to open up to the world “so all of you can stop staring.”

“You want to know, so now you know. Which is why this is the first time, and the last time, I will ever speak of it,” Jenner wrote in leaked excerpts of her memoir “The Secrets of My Life.”


The extracts were distributed by RadarOnline on Monday in front of the April 25 production of the diary. Great Central Publishing said on Tuesday it didn’t wish to talk about the substance in front of the distribution date and Jenner’s illustrative had no remark.


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