
Ted Cruz no longer approves campaign ad that featured a softcore porn actress.

One message Ted Cruz no more affirms of is a crusade promotion that highlighted a softcore porn actress .Before showing up in Cruz’s ” Conservatives Anonymous” commercial focusing on Marco Rubio, Amy Lindsay had parts in Erotic Confessions, Carnal Wishes, Secrets of a Chambermaid, and Insatiable Desires. In a meeting with BuzzFeed News, Lindsay, a self-depicted preservationist Christian and Republican, said she’s never been in any XXX movies, and thought everybody included in the commercial thought about her past credits. Cruz representative Rick Tyler told BuzzFeed News Lindsay went to an open casting call and was “not vetted by the production company” in the wake of landing the position. “Had the campaign ad known of her full filmography, we obviously would not have let her appear in the ad,” he said.

“Conservatives Anonymous” is being yanked from the air, he said, and will be supplanted with another commercial. With respect to Lindsay, she advised BuzzFeed News she was attempting to choose in the event that she needed to bolster Cruz or Donald Trump, yet later tweeted she was ” extremely disappointed” by the Cruz campaign ad.
