10.) Necomimi A headband with a brain wave sensor that detects thoughts and emotions of the user, the motorized cat ears respons to the user’s mental state and move accordingly. A set of ears typically go for $99.95 and ca be bought online or at conventions Loading…
These mothers were on their way to a big milestone for their one-year-old child. They all travelled to a pediatrician’s office for their child’s first big routine check-up. Unbeknownst to them, their days were about to change in the best way after their appointments. As each mother left the doctor’s office and walked down a […]
This article is in the loving memory of “could have been” artist, actors, writers, dancers, painters engineers. All those who were born with the innate wish of becoming an engineer, we salute you Sir. If you’re someone repairing all TV sets in your house, teaching maths to your crush’s brother, giving career advice to Sharma […]