Movie/TV Gossip

‘Hail Caesar!’ behind the scenes .


‘Hail, Caesar!’ is an in the background take a gander at motion picture making and stars in the 1950’s and what one fixer does to keep their conduct out of general society eye. In this meeting we take you in the behind the scenes of filming this in the behind the scenes.

In this interview we take you behind the scenes of filming with Channing Tatum talking the practice he needed to place in so as to do his song and dance routine (which can be seen here), George Clooney talks about his small dress than he needed to wear, Ralph Fiennes and Alden Ehrenreich talk about why saying “Would That It Were So Simple” was so difficult for Alden’s character, Scarlett Johansson and Josh Brolin let us know why stars of today appear to get stuck in an unfortunate situation then the stars of yesteryear in this interview:
