In the gripping conclusion of Lifetime’s documentary series, “The Life & Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson,” the focus shifts to the aftermath of Nicole’s tragic demise. The series delves into the heart-wrenching events following her untimely death at the age of 35 and the subsequent trial of her ex-husband, O.J. Simpson. As viewers are taken […]
3) Climbing Boys Following the great Fire of London, Chimney regulations necessitated the use of children to clean newly narrow flues.”Climbing Boys” as young as 4 were sent up chimneys measuring 9 by 4 inches (23 by 36cm) to dislodge inflammable soot.To prepare for the job, their elbows and knees were rubbed raw and brushed […]
With a theatrical rollercoaster that will have you laughing one moment and cringing the next, Woody Harrelson plays the lead role in the provocative play “Ulster American” at Riverside Studios. In this deliberately provocative comedy from 2018, writer David Ireland, starring Harrelson, tries to shock viewers out of their complacency by sending a cruel message […]